The days of Sukkot; a «Day» (year) of vengeance!

The days of Sukkot; a «Day» (year) of vengeance!
The days of Sukkot; a «Day» (year) of vengeance!
Indeed, the last day of Sukkot this year is one of the darkest days in the history of the chosen people, from the time of Abraham’s calling to the present day. A day marked by the animalistic and demonic brutality of Israel’s enemies, a day that takes me back to the capture of Lot by the barbarians of the lowland settlements, but also to the vengeance of the One-who-Is by the sword of Abraham.
Israel’s enemies have this time made the mistake of all time, bringing upon them a vengeance that has been waiting for ages, a rage gathered throughout the long bloody history of this chosen people.
This attack on a Sukkot day and on a Sabbath day has filled the cup of an anger that will pour out upon all who have, who have had, and will have a sword stretched out to Jerusalem. And the fact that these madmen have attacked the chosen ones at the very beginning of the Jubilee, which was supposed to be a year of rejoicing... they have attacked the chosen ones on a day of Sukkot, which was supposed to be a day of rejoicing... these madmen have made an attempt against the very One-who-Is, the One who instituted these feasts in His eternal Covenant with the people whom the «Love» has chosen... it is serious!... more grievous than it has ever been before!... why?... because of the Jubilee!... because of the time set in the Universe to be a day of vengeance!
One of Islam’s greatest mistakes, since its very beginning, has been its departure from the true Scriptures, where the One-who-Is has clearly expressed the choice He has made regarding Israel, but has also stipulated the consequences that will follow if anyone dares to touch even a hair of one of His chosen.
There is a special prophecy about Sukkot, «on that Day», on “that great and dreadful day” ... on the very Jubilee.
“In that day, those of the nations who will rise up against Jerusalem in the «year of years» (Jubilee), before the king (prince) and the One-who-Is, at the times of Sukkot... upon those of the families of the earth who will not keep count of Sukkot to worship the King, the One-who-Is, the «rain» (Jubilee blessing) will not fall on them... they shall be smitten with the plague, the plague with which the One-who-Is shall smite the nations that profane the Sukkot.” “This is the plague with which the One-who-Is will strike all the peoples who fight against Jerusalem: it will dry up their flesh while they are still standing, it will dry up their eyes in their holes, and it will dry up their tongues in their mouths.”
There is something special about Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) on the Jubilee. Because both the feast and the whole year have to do with rejoicing, redemption, and settling into the promised rest, on the Jubilee occasion, Sukkot becomes a celebration that spans the entire Jubilee year. In other words, the Jubilee opens a year-long Sukkot. The two events become one. That is why this year’s Sukkot is special, and all the more grievous is the madness of the enemies with swords pointed against Jerusalem (Israel) on this special occasion... this time the punishment will be applied: the One-who-Is “will dry their flesh while they are still standing, dry their eyes in their holes, and dry their tongues in their mouths”.
The situation is even worse because this time, beginning with the Jubilee, Israel has a king, the king of whom it has been said, “I see him, but not now; I look at him, but not from near. A star rises from Jacob, a prince rises from Israel. He shall pierce through the rulers of Moab and subdue all the children of Seth; he shall overcome Edom; he shall conquer the opposing Seir... Israel is raised up!”
What my eyes have seen with this invasion of beings without humanity, I have never seen in my life! To take children, women, old men, and defenseless people motivated by unjustified hatred... to take them with such brutality, and to behave worse than in the jungle... it's unthinkable!... something that cannot be justified at all! Something whose only suitable counteraction is the very punishment chosen by the One-who-Is: “He will dry their flesh while they are still standing, dry their eyes in their holes and dry their tongues in their mouths” ... without «water» («rain»)!
I saw in that woman dragged like an animal from the trunk outside, held by the hair, covered in blood, tied with her hands behind her back, I saw the “daughter of Zion” dragged and treated with all the vileness throughout the centuries, trampled on with brutality by the nations... but I have bad news for all those involved in such barbarisms: the day of vengeance has come!... a trap has been set for the nations and they have fallen in droves... the Jubilee has come: a year of reward for Israel, a «Day» of vengeance!
“Behold, what the One-who-Is proclaims to the ends of the earth: say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your Deliverer is coming; behold, the payment is with Him, and the reward goes before Him.’”
“Draw near, you nations, and hear! Hearken, you peoples!... For the One-who-Is himself is angry with all the nations and full of wrath with all their host... For My sword... shall come down upon Edom, upon the people whom I have condemned to extinction, to judge them... For it is a day of vengeance from the One-who-Is, a year of recompense and vengeance for Zion.”
“Then shall they tremble with fear without any cause of fright; the One-who-Is shall scatter the dry bones of them that rise up against you, shall put them to shame, for the One-who-Is has cast them off...
O!... Behold, he who will bring forth the deliverance of Israel from Zion!
On that day, when He-who-is will bring back the captives of war to His people, Jacob will rejoice, and Israel will be joyful” ... why?... thanks to the Jubilee!
When you look at what is happening in the «The-Most-Beautiful-Land» it is impossible to not be shocked by the atrocities that happened there with a hatred and violence that seems to have been imported from the Middle Ages: women raped, babies decapitated, husbands with their wives and children burned alive... only the bonfire was missing!
Any human being with the mental faculties still intact is rightly asking “how such a thing is possible?” ... how?! ... how from the mind of a beings endowed (normally) with a conscience can arise the thought of such actions that have no place in a humanity truly understood? There are some laws of humanity, and if there is no place in “loving your enemies”, there should be a place in “don’t do to others what you dislike”... so I define the elementary rule of humanity, although it would be preferable to “love your neighbor as yourself”... it is the first social law that came through Moses, as it was later called, among the disciples, “the first commandment”... at the level of inter-human relations.
Many find the blame for what has happened in the very agitated and disunited state of those who by definition as a nation should have been watchful… and end up pointing the finger at the tense political situation and bad national security management. At first glance this would seem to be the case, in essence this time things have a much deeper substratum because essentially the main Watcher over Jerusalem and the «The-Most-Beautiful-Land» is the One-who-Is. Did He not say that “he who touches you touches the light of My eyes”?
Where was He who “neither slumbers nor sleeps, who watches over Israel”? The answer is: He was there!... He was a silent Witness!... He was the One who wept!... and is the One who will rise as the Avenger!
Those who touched Israel this time made the mistake of their existence!... the hour of their judgment has come, and in the language of the Quran I tell them that the Hell shall be poured upon them… and I do not speak about the troops of soldiers prepared for an invasion... no!... for that would largely mean the death of both, the guilty and the not guilty: women, children, old and powerless.
This time, a prophecy has been fulfilled that shows us exactly where we are in the firmament of history and tells us who is the moral author of the atrocity that has taken place, but also how the vengeance will be wrought, and who will do it... the prophet says: “But some news... will terrify him, and then he will proceed with great anger to destroy and slaughter many with atrocities. He will spread his tents (camp) of his palace between the sea and the holy and glorious mountain. But he will meet his end, and no one will come to his help.”
It is shocking how this prophecy was fulfilled right at the beginning of the Jubilee, on a Sabbath day and a Sukkot day! It is shocking how the camp between the Mediterranean and Mount Zion rushed like a tsunami into «The-Most-Beautiful-Land», destroying with such ferocity its inhabitants who were living peacefully in their own land, in their own home, in their own bed and in the rest commanded by the One-who-Is Himself.
The greatest shock is not the barbarian acts with which this prophecy has been fulfilled, the real shock is that this prophecy reveals who the moral author of this act of genocide is. At first glance it would be Islam, more precisely the extremist groups born out of the Quran... but NO!... shockingly, the moral author of this cataclysm against humanity is actually the Papal Institution. How? It is very easy to identify in the prophecy that the “emperor of the north” is the “little horn”, it is even the Papacy.
The legitimate question is: how can the Papal Institution be linked to Islam and Hamas? And for this we have to take a brief trip back in history, even in the Middle Ages, to analyze the circumstances in which Islam was born.
In short, at that time the Pope had two problems in «The-Most-Beautiful-Land». The first was «Christianity» (the authentic one!) with major influences in Asia and especially in Jerusalem; the second problem of the Papacy was that it wanted since the conquest of “Rome” to place its seat in Jerusalem. To do this it needed a puppy to conquer for itself the Jerusalem, but once the puppy found itself with a bone in its mouth, it no longer obeyed its master. Apparently, the master sent his armies to kneel down Islam and capture Jerusalem, in reality it was a battle against witnesses and any documents that could testify the truth about Islam’s birth certificate. Every witness and document have been burned. Two hundred years are missing from the testimony of history and all we have today about the beginnings of Islam we have from stories that were not witnessed at the birth. The real testimonies (documents) are under seal, hidden in the vault of the Vatican library. The “spiritual” leaders of both sides know the truth about the origins of Islam. Even occult societies know that Islam was commanded into existence by the Papacy.
A close look at the two religions, the (Papal) “Christianity” and the Islam, we will find that they have essentially the same doctrine, the differences coming only from the traditional background on which the two religions evolved, the first evolving on the pagan and polytheistic background of Rome (Europe), the second evolving on the monotheistic background of the tribes with origin in Abraham. While “Christianity” grew up eating anything and somewhat polytheistic with worship of statues and paintings, Islam grew up differently, not eating anything and somewhat monotheistic and without worship of statues and paintings. But we need to look much deeper.
Among the first interests that the “angel” ;-) seems to have had when he “dictated” the Quranic writings were the “Virgin Mary” (even her mother) and the authority of the Church over the unbelievers. I bring in special attention the “authority of the Church” which is found in the following words: “I will set your followers [apparently Jesus’ disciples] over those who do not believe until the day of resurrection” (3:55). In other words, the “angel” says that over the Muslim world (of believers) Islam was to be the authority, while over the world of non-believers (in Islam) “those who followed” Jesus were to have the authority … of course not the (dead) disciples, but the one who sat on “Peter’s seat” (Caesar!) ... the Pope.
In order to demonstrate that “Christianity” and Islam are essentially one and the same, meaning the same coin but with different faces, it is sufficient to examine just one of the doctrines, the most important one, namely how these two religions view redemption (salvation). It is shocking how, on this subject, the Quran overlaps like a custom-made glove on the right hand of “Christian” (Papal) theology. In short, Islam believes and claims the following: we live in the body until death, after which there will be a resurrection and a judgment; those who have done works suitable for Heaven will go to Heaven, those who have not, will be (bound with chains and) cast into a Hell that will burn for eternity. It is the same theology that “Christianity” had at the time when the Quran was written. They are identical!... the difference comes only from the pagan background on which “Christianity” evolved, a background that believed in the “immortality of the soul” ... somehow in “Christianity”, at death the soul goes to Hell or Heaven (depending on the works), then is resurrected at the resurrection, judged, and sent (again) for eternity to Heaven or Hell. Essentially it is the same doctrine... a false doctrine! The Scriptures do NOT support such a thing!
Some might say that there is a major difference in the way that the two religions look at Jesus. At a superficial look you might be considered insane to not agree.... and yet... let’s look deeper. Both religions are fierceness about what happened at the occasion of Yeshua's sacrifice. If for “Christians” the sacrifice of Jesus has no redeeming value, from the point of view of the Quran Jesus did not even die, rather it was an illusion, a deception.
The real problem of “Christianity” is the way in which it has transformed the Son of God into something that He is not, furthermore it undressed and robbed Him of all the attributes of «HaMashiach»: Priest, King, Prophet.
Despite the fact that the «Christianity» (Epistles) say that there is one Mediator (Priest) between divinity and man, the Pope declared himself a priest and established an illegitimate priesthood – illegitimate in relation to the One-who-Is –, not being from the tribe of Levi. Despite the fact that the «Christianity» (Epistles) say there is one Lord in Heaven and on Earth, the Pope by himself has enthroned on the supposed throne of Peter, with no right to kingship in relation to the One-who-Is, Peter not being of the tribe of Judah... moreover the «Christianity» (Epistles) say there is one Head over the body of the Church, and the Head in question is not the Pope! And lastly, despite the fact that Yeshua (HaMashiach) came to be a Prophet and to fulfill the prophecies of Scripture, the Papacy from its beginnings had a problem with these prophecies and even with the Scriptures themselves. All of its efforts throughout history have been directed against the Scriptures with much the same zeal with which it wanted the Jerusalem. At the beginning the Papacy kept the Scriptures under lock and key, then altered them, then preached them in a language foreign to the crowd, then developed all sorts of doctrines, each more satanic and pagan. In other words, “Christianity” does not view Yeshua (HaMashiach) any better than Islam does.
The Papacy has been keen to promote “the Virgin” because its interests have been more mystical and occult. The true origins of “Christianity” and Islam are to be found in the hidden (occult) religion of Nimrod... that of the Tower of Babel... a covert worship to Bal (ex-Lucifer).
The mode of worship of Muslims and “Christians” is similar in forms, and unlike Jews, they see in holy places as an image (icon, idol), a present mystical manifestation, while Jews see in them only a place where the divine once has manifested... it’s a huge difference! In other words, there is no difference between the statues (idols) and paintings (icons) of “Christianity” and the holy places of Islam; it is the same (mystical) idolatry in a transvestite form of “monotheism”, in reality it is a worship of demons, hatred and lies... “You have as your father the devil, and you want to fulfill your father’s desires. He has been a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.... for he is a liar and the father of every lie.”
There is no difference between the authority of priests in “Christianity” and the authority of “priests” in Islam. There is no difference between papal anti-Semitism and that of Islam; no difference between hatred of the Sabbath; no difference in the desire to conquer Jerusalem – the “City of the great king”.
Islam, in essence, has its origins in a “Christianity” standing at the opposite pole of the Scriptures... worse, the radical Islam has inherited the habits of the Papacy from the Middle Ages: murders, tortures, death to all who are otherwise, and death first of all to the Jews. Radical Islam is a present-day expression of the inquisition and crusades of the Middle Ages.
If one could trace the funding that has supported all the organizations that have risen up against Jerusalem and the Jews over the years, one would discover that many actions (even terrorist ones) have also been funded by the Vatican... the same Papacy that secretly rejoiced in the atrocities of Nazism.
Today the little man dressed in white comes out on the balcony of the “citadel of seven hills” and says, “stop the killing!” ... but he doesn’t say it from the rebuke of conscience... he says it only to cover his hands stained with the blood of innocents... for in essence the Papacy is the moral author of the atrocities committed by Hamas... indeed, because a thousand and some years ago the Pope tried to train a little donkey... a pagan’s mistake!... for if he had read the Scriptures, he would have understood that the little donkey that he imagined would enter triumphantly into Jerusalem was in fact, according to the Scriptures, a “wild donkey”: “You will name him Ishmael... He shall be like a wild donkey among men; his anger shall be against all men, and the anger of all men shall be against him.” ... and so it was!... and so we see it is today!
Returning to the prophecy that points to the Papacy being at least morally responsible for the stationing of its mercenary troops between the Mediterranean and the Holy Mountain, this prophecy not only speaks of the atrocity that has taken place, “a great anger to destroy and slaughter many with atrocities”, but also tells what the punishment for these atrocities will be, and how it will be realized: “he will meet his end, and no one will come to his help” ... this “the end” and this lack of response as “help” does not refer only to Hamas... no!... it has in regard to both Papacy and Islam!
It is obvious and clear that the Israeli armies do not have the intention – nor the ability – to achieve something like this, which is prophetically called “the fall of Babylon”. I don’t want to insist now on what “Babylon” represents in the Scriptures, instead I want to bring up something much more important, namely, how this “fall of Babylon” (of “Rome” and her first daughter, Islam) is realized.
The prophecy says: “he will meet his end, and no one will come to his help, for then the Great Prince Michael (the One who is the One-who-Is) will arise, the Protector of the children of His people... at that time His people will be saved (delivered, redeemed)”... in other words the scene introduces the «Messiah», the king awaited by the Jews for ages, the one about whom it is said: “a prince rises from Israel. He shall pierce through the rulers of Moab and subdue all the children of Seth; he shall overcome Edom; he shall conquer the opposing Seir.”
The prophecy says, “He (the One-who-Is) looks down from the height of His holiness, the One-who-Is looks down from Heaven to Earth, to hear the groaning of the prisoners of war and to deliver those who are about to die; that they may proclaim in Zion the name of the One-who-Is and His praises in Jerusalem, when all nations and all kingdoms shall be gathered together to serve the One-who-Is.” ... how is this to be accomplished?
The prophecy says, “The One-who-Art, give thy judgments to the king, and give thy righteousness to the King’s son. And he will judge Your people with justice and Your wretched ones with impartiality... he will do justice to the wretched of the people... and shall crush the oppressor... in his days shall the righteous flourish and there shall be abundance of peace until the moon is no more. He shall rule from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth... all kings shall worship him, and all nations shall serve him... his name shall stand for ever, as long as the Sun holds his name. With him shall they bless one another, and all nations shall call him blessed. Blessed be the One-who-Is the «Love» of Israel, the only One who works miracles! Blessed be His glorious name forever, and let all the earth be filled with His glory! Amen! And again, I say: Amen!”
How?... thanks to the Jubilee, for the «Day» of Judgement has come!
The prophecy (in short) says that at “the middle of the week” the “sacrifice (of food) and drink” will come to an end. I don’t go into all the aspects of this prophecy about the “prince” or “Prince” and the other details which I have covered and explained in detail in “The Day of the Law”.
The prophecy about the ending of the “sacrifice (of food) and drink” was first fulfilled in the middle of the week “over the years” when in 32 AD, on the occasion of the supreme Sacrifice of Yeshua (HaMashiach) the Temple ceremonies were suspended for a period, on which occasion the “sacrifice (of food) and drink” also came to an end – obviously – on the event of the destruction of the Temple by the soldiers of the Roman Empire.
In addition to this fulfillment of prophecy, the prophecy was to be fulfilled once again on the occasion of the coming of the «prince from David», that “great king of Jerusalem” who was to come as an expression of the “fall of Babylon”, on which occasion some practices of “sacrifice (of food) and drink” were to be forever abolished. These practices of claiming to be a sacrifice (gift) before the One-who-Is were related to “food” (bread) and “drink” (wine), which in “Christian” language is translated as “transubstantiation”, essentially an offensive practice to the One-who-Is and a mystical sacrifice offered to demons and to the ex-Lucifer... a practice that was to be brought to an end (extermination) forever.
“Transubstantiation” is that mystical phenomenon that takes place at the request of the priest, a special request called “eucharist”, whereby the bread and wine in the hands of the priests are mystically (occultly) transformed into the body and blood of God. In other words, God is a kind of puppy dog, who, at the priest’s command “Come here!”, interrupts all activity and executes Himself, making Himself flesh and blood in place of the bread and wine put before the priests, a kind of “abracadabra”. Putting irony aside and pointing out as seriously as possible, transubstantiation is one of the greatest mockeries ever invented by demons against the One-who-is. By this practice of “Christianity” the unique and complete sacrifice of the Lamb of the One-who-Is accomplished by His death on the “altar” at the edge of Jerusalem is totally disregarded.
The central idea of the Scriptures is that the One-who-Is loved the World (Universe) so much that He made the ultimate sacrifice through the death of Yeshua (HaMashiach), the Bread and Life (Blood) who came down from Heaven to give Himself to death in the place of the believer who returns from his wandering from death to life, to abundant life.
What was accomplished on Calvary Hill, the salvation, was accomplished once and for ever! This one and complete Sacrifice to cover the sins of all mankind was foreshadowed and prophesied from the very beginning, from the time when Adam and Eve were clothed in the garments of sacrifice, that system of sacrifice which Abel later practiced. This sacrifice of the lamb was imported into the uninterrupted sacred services at the Temple, the place where the One-who-Is taught His people the principles of salvation. In every lamb sacrificed at Temple was the promise of salvation that the One-who-Is will realize at the cross of the ages. At the same time, salvation was present day by day in the Temple through the miracle of the connection between that historical present and the moment of the Sacrifice, but this does not mean that the blood of the lamb on the altar was (mystically) the blood of the Lamb, nor that the flesh of the lamb consumed on the altar was not the flesh of the Son of God... In other words, the blasphemy called “transubstantiation” was never taught or present (found) at the Temple... a kind of travestying of the lie in truth... a kind of death for sure!
The prophecy says that with the fulfillment of this prophecy, this shamelessness and foolishness will come to an end, and this will come to concrete fruition in the “fall of Babylon”, meaning the fall of any kind of religious system with its origins in deception... why?... because the Jubilee also means deliverance from lie, as it means delivery of the people of the One-who-Is from every form of subjugation, whether physical or spiritual, through truth and justice... moreover, the Jubilee is also a day (year) of vengeance of the One who chose the Jerusalem and chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to live, they and their children, they and their children’s children, in the Promised Land, in the «The-Most-Beautiful-Land».
“Therefore, behold, the days are coming – says the One-who-Is – when it will no longer be said: As the One-who-Is lives, who brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. But it shall be said: As the One-who-Is lives, who brought the children of Israel out of the land of the north ('Babylon') and out of all the countries where he had driven them... for I will bring them back to their land, which I gave to their fathers.” “I will multiply your seed like the stars of heaven, and I will give to your descendants all this land of which I have spoken, and they shall possess it forever.” “For I will bring you out from among the nations, and gather you out of all countries, and bring you again into your own land.”
“Thus saith the One-who-Is: If I have not made my covenant with day and night, if I have not established the laws of heaven and earth, then I will also deny the seed of Jacob and of my servant David, and will not take of his seed those who shall rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; for I will bring back the captives of war, and will have mercy on them.”
“You shall proclaim the liberty of the land to all its inhabitants: this shall be to you the year of rejoicing (Jubilee); everyone shall return to his own land, and each of you shall return to his own family. The fiftieth year shall be to you the year of rejoicing... and consider it holy.” “He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the slaves, and deliverance to the war captives; to proclaim a year of mercy of the One-who-Is, and a day of vengeance of our «Love»; to comfort the sorrowful, to give to the sorrowful in Zion, to give them a royal crown instead of ashes, an oil of joy instead of weeping, a garment of praise instead of a mournful spirit, that they may be called the righteousness of the Earth, a seedling of the One-who-Is, to serve to His glory.”
What a Jubilee!... Amen!